Anyways, yesterday I went to color my hair. My natural hair color is a medium brown because my grandmother was blonde. However, back in August of 2009, I dyed it black, like blackblack. I wasn't much a fan of that so I wanted a dark brown. I went in and got "medium beige brown" but it turned out golden red brown...yeah I don't know. I feel a bit fobby but I'll pull it off somehow. I also got a bit of a trim of my bangs and a hot oil treatment after (:
its lighter than this
but darker than this...
Also on Friday I randomly hungout with my friend Wendy from middle school and we have a tradition of going to Walgreens everytime we hangout so yeah...haha and yes I need 6 lip balms...

legit AloE this time, not Alo. & melon hi-chew? didn't know about that...
honeysuckle honeydew lip balm from eos. funky packaging eh?
dsk seems to talk about these a lot (I think haha) so I wanted to try them out, hers are in metallic packaging though, wonder if theres a difference...
I'm curious about this acai berry...
yeah I actually did need this (ran out haha)
So I also went shopping after I got my hair colored...sigh haha

looks cuter on (:
I went into vans for gray slip ons but got these instead...
even my mom loved this one (mostly because of the purple)
Also Dylan and I have gotten a lot of couple-y things lately haha.

promise ring I got him
promise ring he got me
disney love!
these things are too cute!
Some food pictures because I'm a fatty. (haha check out more food pictures here)

pesto pasta salad
mexican chicken tortilla soup from SF Soup Co. - I'm addicted!
steak fajitas from chevy's
Julia's keys! I love them, probably why I made Dylan get those charms haha.
Ames sleeping in class
Dylan's panda lanyard. they're so cute!
mister pengda enjoying his eel
Tenavi looking spiffy for all city champs (:
ripped off the gs warriors haha
family picture with Wellington!
my desk the night before a test...bleh
infamous Mr. Chan in pink and playing magic
Kevin was Francesca for a day...
...and I was K. Hu (he took my Italian sweatshirt and I took his track one haha)
Lastly, I was going through my magazines and remembered that 99.9999% of the pictures are fake. So really girls, don't feel bad about not looking like the models, its a'll photoshop anyways. If an amateur like me can adjust myself, imagine the pros! And I'm wearing SARAH's earrings b.
fake! haha taken before my hair coloring