So I have a bunch of homework but it's the day after prom and I just don't want to do homework so I guess I'll blog about prom. The night started off hectic with one delay after another but things turned out great in the end. Thanks to my amazing friends for putting up with my OCD planning (esp Dylan who deals with me on a daily basis), for Jr Prom Committee for planning it, and for Dylan for being the best date (:
I won't write too much because no one wants to read all this so I'll just tell my story via pictures and captions (:
Basically my friend Ellen came over and we did her hair then we had to run out to find the other 3 girls because they were lost. We were slightly late to dinner but it was still nice, the manager was impressed with my planning!
Then even though half of us had iPhones and Blackberries, we got lost and went in a huge loop. Dylan and I ran to a bus stop to look at the map and then I jwalked diagonally through a 4way intersection.
We finally made it there but Marvin's date Jennie wasn't so we all took couple's pictures first and then by the time we all gathered for the group's picture, the line was literally 200 people long. But being me...I cut the entire line...yeah The photographer was very grateful that I had already organized the entire thing though, saving him the trouble of arranging 35 of us.
After that the night was just fun, I found the balance between friends and Dylan I think... Scott sang the whole night and as usual I was left with all the guys but that's my preference anyways.
Now I'm uber tired and enjoying the rainy weather (thank goodness it didn't rain yesterday) so enjoy the pictures (: Gosh everyone looked so good, wish I had time to take more pictures
PS If we're facebook friends, you can see the whole album there.
then invite
the hair I spent 40minutes on
went out to find them...
using the tv as a mirror
I did all of their hair haha (:
so cute!
his boutonniere that I failed to put on....
my corsage, thank you mister pengda (:
my pengda is still wild
Dylan's caterpillar roll
random dinner shots
random dinner shots
so purrrrdy?
my favorite 6ft+ boys
Calvin wanted in on the pics too
boys silly?
Taiyo holding everyone's stuff
girls (:
walking/getting lost
the venue
the bestie and I
guys getting patted down
Shandor and I, reg buddies!
Marvin & Jennie
Mister & Missus Pengda
Calvin & I, AP Euro & APUSH buddies (:
Hella/Hello Boss Buddies! I love Rachel (:
Oh Andrew... -__-

tan Prescott Wellington (haha yes I named my penguin after him) Louie Wong & pale Vy
Kevin, Vy, & an awkward white spot
My 16/17 Lunch Boys
Sol & me, weird flash
best silly picture of the night
Amy's bf takes great pictures eh?
Scotty pimpin
Sol and her date
my favorite picture of the night. Angela & Nick are so cute (:
Angela was gorgeous!
Lui is too tall
Vietnamese ballers
dance floor from the 3rd floor

Hany, Marvin, & Me
Stanley & I
dancing with my pengda (:
Angela & Nick
I'm so glad they get along
gave up on my shoes
my most important men (:
Jeffrey is soooo tall!
he looks like such a kid
haha silly face!
haha cuties
the shirley temple matched his vest
man circle...
silly faces post prom
we got m&ms with he name of prom on them in a heart box
crash in mister pengda's pj pants and key club shirt