So I'll try and post at least weekly this year. It'll allow me to share my senior year and also I can look back and have all my memories documented. (: I'm already behind so I'll post two separate posts this weekend. Overall my senior year is soooo relaxing. I barely have any homework, I have 5 classes, and I TA once a week for a Calc class. The only thing is my AP English teacher is MEANNNN like no lie. He is a grumpy old man who happens to also be the English dept head but I've managed to break him down a bit after 2 wks.
Blehhhh! First day of school! I was wayyyyyyyy tired from my LA trip but I seemed to make it through alright. We had an "assembly" out in the football field (because the entire school can't fit in the auditorium at once) and it was FREEZING. The freshmen were so cute though, they actually tried to line up and get seats. Then we had our 30min classes in which we couldn't really do anything. Dylan visited and that was about it.

oh silly freshmen

Starbucks for Seniors?


finally hanging out in the courtyard like seniors should

Angela's cute planner!

Econ is going to be fun

I caught a cute one
I always feel like Tuesdays are uneventful and well...this Tuesday was no different. Dylan did tell my Econ teacher that my "corner" was going to be troublesome. We're just loud and funny (: Although we did get visits from seemingly endless '10 people. I still miss seeing them everyday though. ):

super skinny Jason

'10 kids

second day and we're already tired
On Wednesday Dylan came to visit and he brought my package from
strawberry mochi's blog sale. I also went through the entire day super paranoid about my hair because I had to take my Senior Portraits afterschool. My appointment was at 4pm, I got there at 3:50 because I had class until 3:48. After 3 lines (one to pay, one to get "dressed" in the awkward drape thing if you're a girl and a fake tux if you're a guy, and finally one to take pictures) I got about 10 pictures taken. I think I like most of them but we'll see when the proofs get here. By the time I was finished, it was about 6 so I went to get frozen yogurt with my brother and then we got some school supplies at office depot.

I actually have to use a micro cassette thing every weekend for AP Music Theory.

my package

for Senior Portraits

I got like 13 flavors haha

AHHH I wish I had all of these haha
Not much happened today. Jason came back to visit (he visits every Tuesday and Thursday) and drove us out to In-N-Out for lunch which is delicious as always but yup. Then Chris drove me home after school and we got more food at Quickly's.

cute panda hat on Marvin


a visit from Saif

and Julia

nom nom nom (:
Ahhhh, by Friday I was so glad the week was ending. I was SOOO tired. Dylan brought me IHOP in the morning as brunch and then Jason brought us Teaway later in the day. After school I stayed late for Spirit Committee just like last year. This year's theme is like "climates/areas?" haha I'm not sure but basically seniors are themed as "Jungle." Afterwards I had a long talk with Brian and Angela about relationships, it was really...nice.

I love IHOP

Karen's gaint panino (panini is plural haha)


matching with the purple

stealing Angela's jacket

it fits!

it sorta fits haha

Teaway (:

his sister is a freshman now haha

someone REALLY heavy, some how broke the METAL bar of my chair in Econ

haha they were so happy

singing Backstreet Boys and drawing

silly glasses all around

those glasses have touched everyone

haha totally posed
Not very eventful but a nice first week (:
Outfits of the Week