So my goal is to sleep before 3am tonight so I'll keep this post short and make a longer post later tonight (Friday). So the past two days have been pretty hectic with homework, homework, school, clubs, spirit committee, and not sleeping but I managed to get some pictures in. Sorry about the quality of some, I forgot my camera today and took pictures with my cellphone.
Also I've gotten some questions as to what Spirit Committee is. Basically, every year at my high school we have two spirit weeks, one in fall and one in spring but there is only spirit committee during the fall. So during spirit week, each day has a different theme such as twin day, formal day, gender bender, etc. and everyone gets dressed up. Then on the Friday of the fall week, it's cardinal day and we wear school colors (Maroon/Red and White) and have a spirit rally during school, this rally is usually more focused on general school pride. That night theres Battle of the Birds which is a football game against our rivals (we're Cardinals and they're Eagles, hence the birds) Then after that game we have a homecoming dance. So before this week there are spirit committees for each grade and we each get a hallway to decorate. We usually go all out and cover every inch of the hall (except the Freshmen who usually don't do too well...). I'll show you all pictures once we're done. Each grade also makes a backdrop for the rally, a dance, and a float which is a decorated pickup truck. There's an over arching theme for the entire school, this year its Cartoons, so Freshmen theme is anime, sophomores have cartoon network, JUNIORS (me haha) have Disney, and seniors have nicktoons. So that's fall spirit, in the spring theres still a week of special days and a rally but no committee and all that comes with the committee. Also the Friday is color wars (each grade wears a differen color) and the rally is centered more around grade pride rather than school pride. Hope this wasn't too long haha (:

Spirit Committee (:

Love your cute outfits!