-nothing much happened actually
-my relationship with my now ex was going extremely sour at this point
-I was struggling to learn to swim
-my relationship continued to go downhill
-finally miraculously learned to swim haha.
-my relationship ended and it took a while to realize I it was over. nearly 1.5 years down the drain.
-I spent my spring break doing skin patch testing for allergies. the most uncomfortable week of my life. imagine 90 chemicals meant to irritate on your back covered in cloth for a week. turns out I'm allergic to shrimp, propylene glycol, and mercaptobenothiazole.
-my friends Astra&Nancy turned 16. started fun enough with dinner at CPK but then Antonio, Stanley, and Sam showed up next thing we know we're at karaoke til midnight, getting froyo in the freezing cold, and somehow managing to get to Sam's house. Stanley's dad gave me a ride home, on which I told him that his son had gotten me pregnant, it was interesting.

cheesy poses
-took my first AP exam (european history). crammed the night before and got a 5. not bed, eh?
-my locker buddy and fellow reg rep Gloria turned 16.
in reg with Gloria
-created the most epically failing yet funny video for my english final with my friends Ames, Lui, Ellen, Joel, & Jacky. we had Ames & Lui pose as couple (very awkward) and I played a whore (keep this in mind, its a reoccurring theme)
only took a million tries to get this
-we celebrated the end of aps with a "party" in euro, it was quite interesting, lots of food.
AP Euro class (:
-Kermesse! Yet another food day at school!
look at the height I've got on them
Sam&Astra; their ongoing poking war
I make it rain...
-we're such nerds, we went to see star trek...it was ok haha.
-finals! we're a joke, haha, I really didn't have any. so what do we do to celebrate the end of a year? go see x-men origins! (it wasn't that great) it was a fun day, we tried to but 15 tickets at once and charge it to Scotty's card but he had a $40 limit. then we were late and wondered if we could get so many seats together, the theater we empty. of course there was also Scotty and his pink drink. over all a good ending to a sophomore year.
Starbucks all around...
Scotty and his pink drink
-my friend Kevin from Canada (eh?) graduated high school and came to visit SF so I tried to take him around. he came the day 1/2 the city didn't have electricity so we browsed a blackedout Japantown and ended up at HotPot City in the Richmond.
-my brother "graduated" from middle school so I took him out for dinner at Sizzler (he loves the place) but he ended up getting a headache so I ran across a dark parking lot in the rain to Target to get him Advil.
-I went to a talent show hosted by a youth group my friend Julia is a part of and met Olivia Thai. (:

-my friends Brianna & Shandor turned 16 on the day Michael Jackson died. we celebrated anyways by going to an italian place in north beach ( E' Tutto Qua - It's all here).
my girls
-I tried gray contacts for the first time. verdict? not my thing at all.
-Joel, Lui, Ames, Scotty, Patty, Andrew, Jeffrey, and I went to see Transformers 2. We missed the 9pm show and ended up having to see the 11pm show. No complaints though.
boys and guitar hero -__-
Lui on the phone and Joel and Jeffrey getting food
-I actually managed to play quite a bit of tennis in July. On one occasion Joel managed to rip his shorts my jumping off of a swing into sand...
picture fail
oh Joel...
Marvin and Joel played doubles against some kids from Arizona
Joel getting his tan on.
-I fell in love with Framing Hanley and their Lolipop cover. I mostly fell for their lead singer, Nixon thought. (;
-I spent a good amount of time camerawhoring and eating with Brianna.
we had about a million pictures
skanky eh?
buffalo chicken burger = yum
garlic fries (:
-I wrapped up summer in SF with a piano recital and leaving early to catch the ending of my friends' "concert" in their backyard.
Christina being her normal cheery self and Joel being his normal cutty self.
I just love this picture. You eat that hotdog Jeremy!
-I spent this month in NY at Skidmore College doing an Electrical Engineering program. In short? 9 hours a day in a lab with 2 other girls and 17 boys; the nights were amazing though. I guess I can say my top 3 people from this summer in NY were Natalie, Jonny, and Kevin. I'll have to manage to visit them soon.
being silly as we watched the ultimate game
guys are so silly
EE class
the guys thought taping me to ground was a great idea
Natalie and I; the day we met
September-December (refer to my earlier post haha)
So what have I been doing lately? Lots of skype time with Dylan. Redecorating my room. Homework. I spent hours cleaning out my iTunes. I watched Blind Side lately and LOVED it. Haha speaking of sports, the Warriors seriously put me on an emotional rollercoaster. -__-
I've also been doing some online shopping and such. Sarah's earrings just tempted me too much so I had to ask her to mod them for me because I had to have em. You can check her out here. And also I fell in love with one of Kym's tshirts and had to get that too. I even got a matching one for the boyfriend haha.
my redecorated dresser area (:
New Years Resolutions
1. Update this blog more often.
2. Finally meet my boyfriend's friends.
3. Take care of my hair and resist cutting/dying it until after Dylan's graduation
4. Pull up Joel's GPA and SATs.
5. Pass my AP exams.
That's it for now, I'm sure I'll end up adding more after June.