Alright, I don't even remember what has happened in t
he past 3.5 months so I'm going to rely
on my sony PMB (picture motion browser) to help me through it. It keeps my pictures super organized which means it keeps my memories organized haha. I think I'll colorcode this for you guys haha.
Hmm so I think my next album is from 9/16. We had half days which meant getting out early one day and starting late the next day. I love these days because it means time to hangout on one day and sleeping in the next haha.
Side note: I'm pretty sure I mentioned in an earlier post that I had been talking/getting close with someone new (wow that sounds cutty) but more o
n that later. Actually no, I'll just get to it now. Haha I wonder if he'll ever find my blog without me showing him. Anyways so last year I took Pre-Cal H with juniors who are now seniors. There was this one guy in particular who annoyed me so badly. His name is Dylan and he just never shut up and he understood the math so easily. Yes I'm irritated by small things. So I never talked to him, except once when I decided to as him if we could leave after a test. He didn't say anything and only shrugged his shoulders. Great guy, eh? So that was the end of that, I'm not sure why but I ended up adding him on facebook around that time but didn't post anything until summer when I went to a talent show this summer and saw a guy with similar hair. Then I posted on his wall about this and we replied back and forth all summer but it was only out of politeness because neither of us wanted to be the rude person to stop replying. But at the beginning of this school year this kid started creeping our wall to wall so we started talking on AIM and then texting. Next thing I knew, we were talking 24/7 pretty much.
Return to actually story: However we weren't really ta
lking in person even though we have Physics together. Well on this half day, he asked me to hangout with him so we did. We went downtown, he ate pizza for 2 hours and we talked, then we saw 9 but that was about it. I started thinking maybe he liked me because I only hangout one on one with my closer guy friends but meh, I didn't think much of it.
Somehow we ended up matching inversely. Haha. In the theater about to watch 9.
So that Friday was late night for Spirit Committee aka the night before spirit week and we have to get everything up so we stay at school until 9pm. This sounds kinda lame but we all look forward to this night, its actually a lot of fun of stay at school til 9 with all your friends. Well we got all the stuff up and I'm not sure why but Dylan was still at school (he's not on spirit for seniors) so I jokingly asked him to walk me to the mall like 5mins away because its through a park and it was dark. To my surprised he agreed without hesitation which was nice. (:
Some posters I helped with this year (:
So that was it but he started holding my hand and putting his arm around me. I'm not like a super prude but I'm just used to only doing that kind of thing with my boyfriends so it kind of caught me offguard. But thats a thought to be continued later.

The following week was Spirit Week. I didn't take many pictures or participate much. Ironic eh? I did do twin day with my bestie Joel though. Haha but whenever we try and match, something always goes wrong. I still love him though.
The weekended with a rally and homecoming. The theme for Friday was red&white, our school colors. Usually everyone gets into it and Dylan even agreed to let me paint his nails red, another surprise. Rally day is also fun because it means most teachers let us out of class. (: That night was homecoming and I hadn't gone to any of the previous ones but ended up going this year because Dylan (yeah he gets mentioned a million times in this post) kept asking me ABOUT (not to) it. I went with my friends like Joel, Lui (Chris), Patrick, Taiyo, Kris, Karen, and Stanley. However when I got there Dylan asked me to dance and I was embarrassed because I can't dance and yeah so I pretended not to hear him but then he asked again so I said yes and I ended up pretty much spending the rest of the night with him (along with my friends). He walked me to my car and this was the beginning of a terrible and confusing 24 hours. 


He left the next day for a Key Club event and had no reception which was such a shock to me because we had been talking constantly for the past month. I also started wondering if he liked me or not. When he got back on Sunday, I was sick and he kept insisting on coming over even when I said no, which I thought was kinda cutty. Then when he did come over, he had a rose and a picture of us from homecoming added to a boat bg and asked me to his Senior Boat and to be his girlfriend. So of course I said yes and this is where it started. September 27th, 2009.
September 29th! My friend Princess Ames (Amy) turned 16! We tried to cake her and failed. She got us caked and then we dropped the cake. -__-
Hmm then another week with halfdays. This time we just went to Dylan's house which needs to be cleaned...haha We ended up not watching Nemo because he didn't have it with him ): And I know you aren't supposed to kiss and tell but screw that. Haha this was the day we had our first kiss yup....
What better way to start a month than with my Sweet 16?! I spent the first weekend at a buffet and shopping in Gilroy with my family. My mom asked me at the end of the night what I wanted to do now that I was 16. I asked to stop at a gas station for ice cream. (: I'm such an adult.
Then my birthday was on a Wednesday and my friends baked me brownies (: Not much to do on a Wednesday with my schedule, although my Italian gave me a night off of homework.
The next day was my bestie Joel's Sweet 16 (convenient eh?) so we planned a joint hotpot dinner on Sunday. Saturday was SATs and a lot of our friends were taking it on that day (including Joel) plus we had Monday off for Columbus day. Speaking of SAT, Dylan had his SATs on that Saturday but the night before he still went out to celebrate my birthday with my friend Wendy and me at Cheesecake factory. It was a nice night (: Sunday was another day with Dylan in the morning. We went to see Paranormal Activity which was a disappointment because it didn't scare me at all and I'm a wuss. I was expecting and willing and wanting to be scared! -__- Then we had lunch at Panera. A favorite of mine. Chicken ceasar sandwich and a caramel latte. YUM. Then we went back to Dylan's place for a bit and headed to dinner with my friends. It was a great night. 

Then there was kind of a lack of events until the end of the month. First was Senior Boat, it was an interesting night. It started out bumpy but got better. We had dinner with my friend Julia and her date Alex and his friend Aaron and Aaron's date Jessica. I knew Jessica already and Dylan and Alex were friends. I get the feeling that even though he says its fine, it was not the ideal dinner for Dylan so I really appreciate that he agreed to this dinner because even though it was his Senior Boat, he agreed to a dinner that made me feel more comfortable because I had Julia and plus it was for Julia's sake because she was not very close with Jessica and scared of awkwardness with Alex. So it was sorta a costume dance so we went as a flapper and her butler. Overall it was a great night with my boyfriend. (:

A few days later was our anniversary and the next day was his 17th birthday, exactly 3 weeks after mine. Then there was halloween. I'm not big on halloween so yeah.
Such a tough two weeks to start off this month but I won't talk about that. Anyways, in English we started reading The Sound and the Fury. Let me tell you, most frustrating book ever! -__- Don't even get me started, told from 4 POVs, an autistic boy with no sense of time so he switches randomly, his suicidal incestuous brother, his cynical sexist brother, and a 3rd person POV. Hardest book I've read so far.
Then came Thanksgiving break! YAY (:
On Wednesday I went to see Wicked with Marvin and Scott. Such an amazing night even though I was sick ):
Thursday was spent at home because of some complications but it was still alright. Then black Friday, my brother lined up at Best Buy and got me a new laptop. He's a sweet kid. It also happened to be the tree lighting of the giant Christmas tree in Union Square and Dylan and my two month anniversary. About an month and a half earlier I had mention it to him and he guessed my favorite place (Scala's) on this first guess and made reservations. So when the day came, I went downtown with my friends Wendy and Brianna first and then met up with Dylan for the tree lighting. It was both our first times which is surprising because I love the holidays. Then we had dinner at Scala's and he took me home. It was a great night. The next night we got all dressed up to see an Italian concert but just ended up going to hangout at his house again haha. And Sunday was homework day. Fun. (:

That Monday I came back to my locker covered in a poster and balloons from my idiot boyfriend asking me to Winterball. Of course I was going to go with him but I definitely appreciated the effort. He's amazing. My friend also gave me a bunch of candy on that day haha. Great day.
That first Friday was the Staff vs Student basketball game. We lost ):
The next day was another fail. Dylan was coming over to take me out for dinner and Starbucks but we ended up just staying in. Oh laziness haha.
The next day was my dad's birthday and so we went to lunch then shopping and I bought my Winterball dress. Gray. My favorite color.
The next week and weekend was dull. Spent on an English group project.
Then this past week (whoooo I'm finally caught up) was such a contrast. All my teachers were winding down and giving no homework as Dylan had finals in two classes ):
Friday (yesterday) was Winterfaire at school and Winterball at night. Winterfaire is basically a day when we have no classes and sell food in the courtyard all day. It was pretty fun but everyone was just looking forward to Winterball and the start of break. So afterschool I got ready at my house with Ames and Nancy then we picked up Joel (we were late) and head to Fuzio to meet up with Dylan and 13 of my friends for dinner. It was a great dinner. I was at one end of the table with Joel, Stanley, Scott, and Dylan. It was probably the best part of my night. Then came our confusing walk to the Rincon which I had been to twice for my cousins' weddings. (Also where I first started texting Dylan) Thank goodness Taiyo had the directions. Out group picture was awkward because we weren't with our dates but Dylan and I took a really funny couple picture. I look forward to seeing both of those (: The dance was fun with free ice cream and useless pins but lots of underclassmen -__- Regardless, I enjoyed a night with my awkward friends and my boyfriend. 

So now we're all caught up! Gosh I talked about him a lot in this but I really do love Dylan. He's the guy I get mad at, the guy I abuse via poking and tickling, but also the guy I read Cosmo with and he's the first person I want to find when something happens to me, good or bad. He is my squinty squishy pengda whore (:
I hope you guys actually got through this and I'll try to stay on top of things and not have to post something like this again haha!
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