I guess I'll let you guys into some funny moments.
First of all, I don't know why but I just have to share with you the Joel Face, >:| and he can actually make that face in real life. No one else seems to be able to haha.
The first week of spring semester has ended and its been pretty good with my 3 lunches. I love 6/7 because it's with Dylan, 14/15 is eat/hw with Lui (we're such kids, we still trade lunch items haha), and then 16/17 is just a party. After 3 years, I'm back to 16/17 lunch with pretty much the same people. Kevin H., Jacky, Brian T., Nancy L., and I have the most interesting conversations. Manswers, male restroom etiquette, and COD2?
Also, my teachers have been pretty entertaining. I feel bad for my current Calculus teacher, he's this old British man (yes his accent is fun) who is constantly confused and it doesn't help him that we have two Tina's and two Anthony's in our class. Not to mention the Anthony's are at the same table and last names are Lan and Li. Although today I ran into my old Calculus teacher in the hall and jokingly asked how class was without me, he replied with "Its not the same" and a smile. I think that made my day. Apparently I am also missed in the afternoon English class (I've moved to the morning class) but either way I kept my same teacher. She's probably this most chill and coolest teacher I know. My clique is facebook friends with her, we text her, and we chill after class with her. She's the only AP English teacher I know of that let's us play with Play-Doh and makes sexual jokes at 7:35am. And lastly my APUSH teacher makes sarcastic remarks like "Yes, Vy, I used to be black and graduated from Harvard." He's actually white and went to Berkeley. He wasn't being racist, he was talking about the first African American to graduate from Harvard and I was zoning out so I said, "Wait, you went to Harvard? I thought you went to Berkeley."
I made "Joel" out of Play-Doh.
Oh! Random but if you guys ever get the chance, you should watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. We watched it in English while munching on Ms. Galang's hummus. Not only is the main character named Joel but its funny and sweet at the same time. Basically it's meaning is that you can try and erase memories but not the feelings and love that are attached to them.
So what have I been up to? Nothing really. Kym sent out my boyfriend's and my shirts the other day so I'm on the look out for that package. I'm looking forward to next few week's schedules, more 4 day weeks and short days for Sophomore Exit Exams (:
I don't really know, I just like the focus and lighting of this picture. My bestie in the shirt I bought him for his birthday.
Me trying to cut the last Hi-Chew with a ruler.
Trying to do that Calculus homework.
Lastly, before I let you guys go, Mischievous Mack is having a great giveaway, you guys should really enter (:

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