So anyways, I've been here for a week and I guess I should lay out the basics first. I'm taking 3 classes here Mondays-Fridays I have Economics in the morning and Abnormal Neuro-psychology in the evenings and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I also have Foreign Films & Food. Besides a curfew of 11pm and 12am on weekends, I'm pretty much free to do as I please. I've wandered the campus both alone, with friends, and Dylan so I'll include pictures down there haha.

Hmm so what are my thoughts? I hate my dorm location, the southwest side of Berkeley is town and all it's food and such and where do I live? the northwest corner on top of 8 blocks of steep hill -__- It's such a pain to go all the way up here. I guess the campus is alright, the town is inconvenient though because everything closes at like 8-9pm, maybe I'm use to SF where things are either open 24/7 or until 2am. The dining hall food is HORRID. Omg, if I go here, I will never waste my money on it, luckily my program is paying for a prepaid meal card, but still ):
My roommate is from China and also has a twin in another suite. I've been helping them with everything from English translations to navigating the campus. I feel like I have two kids, I'm so pooped ><
As for living conditions, what can I say? It's a dorm. I live in a suite with a living room, 2 showers, 2 toilets, 4 sinks, and 4 bedrooms on the fifth floor. (gosh those stairs...) Now on to the pictures! Enjoy the pics and such and look out for my second post tonight, I've got to head to class now (:
my bed
at the pool
at the life sciences building
at the university president's house with my suite girls
just playing with my dslr, not posed, they really were looking at something
my roomie(pink) and her twin(orange)
the living room

the sunset from my room
North Gate
the Plaza at night
the university library and Sather Tower
looks so cutty
random town shots
just a nice looking building
the guys hoarding food in my Foreign Films and Food class
the BART station
downtown Berkeley
Dylan showed me the hidden bear (:
the Asian Ghetto - a collection of cheap eats
haha ah sucks about the location of your dorm. speaking of feeling like you have two kids, i think you'd make a great mom one day :D