Sunday, January 24, 2010

Kym is such a Sweetheart! (:

So I woke up at around 2pm today because I stayed up til about 3am last night on skype with Dylan. I basically woke up to me voice utterly gone but was cheered up when I saw a package on my desk (I think my brother got the mail this morning haha). My tshirts from Kym (herrohachi) came! It was much quicker than I thought considering they came from Canada. I will def make Dylan pose for pictures tomorrow haha.
Thanks so much Kym (:
I thought the little detail on the back was so cute. Haha excuse my leg, I was still in my PJ shorts when I opened the package.
Aww thanks for the earrings Kym, unfortunately my ears aren't pierced so I'll be sure to find these earrings a home. Maybe with Dylan since he has one side pierced...jk most likely with my friend Ames.
I love her card, its cute and simple, and her handwriting. I will before to send her/post pics.
The top one is mine and the bottom, his. I could tell because his was much thicker (and of course it says Girls Classic on the tag -__-)

Thanks again Kym, you're such a sweetheart (:


  1. very cute ^__^ i have that shirt too! except in the blue color, haha. i laaav it.

  2. woohoo! that was quick! :) Glad they got to you safe and sound! and darrrrrn, if i'd known your ears weren't pierced, i would've given you something else! :(

  3. Haha I love it as well (: Def many compliments when I wore it today and haha its fine Kym (:
